Monday, April 30, 2007

DR. ROBERT WEBBER, 1933-2007

A dear hero of mine passed away this weekend. Dr. Robert Webber was a teacher, a writer, and creative voice within the Church. His ideas on worship and evangelism has been a wonderful gift and inspiration to me over the last several years as I have struggled through my own faith journey.

He is probably most known for his "ancient future" series of books. Its funny because he gets thrown into the "emergent" crowd a lot of times. Several years ago Gavin and I had a chance to hook up and talk to Dr. Webber while at an emergent convention. I was being my obnoxious self and going around and asking different emergent leaders if they could spell out the ecclesiology of emergent (be careful, i ask that of methodists too). It was my biggest criticism of emergent at the time. So I asked the question of Dr. Webber. And he laughed and said- "you know, I don't know what it is either! And that's probably the place where I part ways with emergent. What I'm trying to do is more convergent movement. I'm here teaching but I don't really get what this is all about."

We had a laugh over that and I realized what a wonderful, brilliant and quirky gift Dr. Webber was to the Church. Thank you Dr. Webber for what you contributed to the Christian faith of the 21st century.
you can read a reflection here from the chaplain of the worship institute of which Dr. Webber was a vital part.


gavin richardson said...

amen! another loss of a great church teacher. i think i remember in that conversation him saying that he doesn't think he's emergent and wasnt sure why he was invited. prophetic enough that he was not there the year later.

Dan Morehead said...

Thanks for this, he was fun as a professor.

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