Matthew 5: 9-10; 9‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10‘Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I recently read a post at Shane Raynor's Blog,
The Wesley Blog, entitled "Can't I just Order Tacos Without Tomatoes?". The post basically is questions whether or not it is effective for the United Methodist Church to boycott Taco Bell because of the low wages Taco Bell pays to it's South Florida Tomato Farmers. His basic argument is this:
"...the Taco Bell employees who depend on their jobs to feed families and pay college tuition. Unfortunately, as far as the radical left is concerned, all corporations are Satan and they must be cast down. The truth is, Taco Bell is made up of plenty of ordinary people. Yum! Brands stock is also owned by lots of main street Americans- much of it in retirement accounts. Is it smart (or Christian) to screw over a lot of people (many who are poor themselves) to help a few? "
Raynor's argument is a fairly weak one that, in my opinion, does not take the issue seriously. What this boycott is really about is
STANDING ALONGSIDE THE DISPOSSESSED. Jesus used the phrase "blessed are the peacemakers", and "blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake". Standing alongside people, like the
Immokalee Farmers, is part of the Christian call to discipleship. I am one of the priveledged- socially, and economically (as I imagine Raynor is). I am not persecuted, so the question becomes- what is my responsibility as a Child of God? Part of it is to
stand alongside those in my community who are oppressed. So I am called to be a Peacemaker- to
stand alongside.
The reality is- my not participating in eating at Taco Bell, along with every other United Methodist (or other groups boycotting as well) is not going to hurt the employees who are working at Taco Bell, in fact, according to a recent
article in USA Today low wage jobs are increasing at a fast pace. What boycotting Taco Bell will do is send a message that all people deserve a "
living wage".
According to the Florida Department of Labor, the Immokalee Farmers' " average wage (40 cents per 32 pound bucket) has not changed in more than 20 years.” Six L’s Packing Co., one of the largest U.S. tomato growers, has been cited by the coalition in particular for exploiting its workers."
I have to admit that I have eaten at Taco Bell, even within the last two weeks, with my senior pastor. It happens to be our favorite meeting place to discuss ministry. But after reading Raynor's post I began looking into the issue more closely and I have to admit that I feel convicted to speak out on this matter; simply because my faith invites me to stand alongside those whom I see as dispossessed. I will not be eating at Taco Bell until the Immokalee Farmers feel they are getting fair wages for what they provide (however I still will probably poke fun at social issues that we stand for in the UM Church, that's just who I am:) So I invite you to consider looking at issues such as the boycotting of Taco Bell not as another looney venture by liberals in a certain denomination, but look at it from the perspective of those people that live day to day on slave wages.
So whether you consider yourself a conservative Christian, a liberal Christian, or just a middle of the road (barefoot Methodist) like myself, "the LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God." - Micah 6:8
Shalom all,