Thursday, October 05, 2006


It's the pilgrimage that neither of us really wanted to admit to- which is why as the world was nestling in for a long evening's slumber as a trunk was closing with luggage nestled in for a long night's mysterious and secretive drive.

Gavo and I headed off into the night. Our destination- A UNITED METHODIST MEGACHURCH in Kansas City!! This is going to be a pilgrimage that we won't forget. But wait, this may not be what you are thinking... More to come tomorrow. Now sleep is beckoning at 4:20am.


Anonymous said...

I knew you guys could not resist the pull of the big time...big budgets, large crowds, juicy salaries, celebrity pastors and plenty of possiblity thinking. When you get back to Nashville, I am sure you will put away your candles, monastic yearnings and simplistic lives. Drive carefully.

Mary Beth said...

Tell Adam I said hello, and that since moving to a new town I've been "mugged" by UMCs at least twice.