Saturday, April 16, 2005


Sorry I've been out of pocket for so long. After Connection (the united methodist youth workers conference that i took part in various leadership roles) was over I just found myself swamped with lots and lots of "stuff"- youth work, a writing project and family things. Sooooooooo, I've just not been gotten back into the routine of blogging.

I really didn't want to post until I knew that I was ready to come back on a regular basis. If you checked on my blog once or more while I've been on blog-o-batical, then thanks for checking in. I promise I'm back now.

Thanks especially to Shane Raynor from Wesley Blog for checking up on me. That meant a lot.

Some of the upcoming topics that I plan to dive into in the coming weeks and months are:
1. continued discussion on UM's and War
2. a conversation on the Eucharist
3. Living the Christian Calendar as a practice in Cultural Identity

Peace y'all,

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