Friday, August 26, 2005


Hauerwas on violence and America:

To offer concrete alternatives means you have to be different. We love violence. When was the last time you went to see a movie about peace? I mean, we're attracted to violence. It's dramatic. It gives us a moral, heroic role! You've got to be really embedded in a different set of practices to force a different imagination.


Lenny Anderson said...

"You've got to be really embedded in a different set of practices to force a different imagination."

I am assuming he is referring to the traditional spiritual disciplines. Right?

Lenny Anderson said...

It's hard to take a snippet of Hauerwas out of its context like some media-ready quip. There is so much explanatory stuff missing. Jonathan, you need to add some explanatory footnotes or something.

Jonathon said...

i know. if i had more time this week i would add commentary. next time i do a week long theme im gonna do that. but yes, when hauerwas speaks of practices and disciplines he's speaking of the traditional practices that have sustained the church and it's traditions to grow disciples.
