Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Alt.Worship Methodist Style pt.1

What might alt.worship look like in the methodist tradition? Well it may or may not look like what other churches are doing but here's an example of one Methodist Church in Knaresborough England, that is missionally minded and offers alt.worship to match it's vission.


We created a prayer room for a 24/7 prayer session over 2 days. It contained lots of written aids to prayer, but we added candles, CDs, DVD images, and a'prayer tent' draped with fabrics, plus floor cushions, a pebble pool for concerns, a shredder for confessions, a graffiti wall, a mirror, local and worldmaps – and plasticine, partly for the children!

The atmosphere was so special that many took off their shoes at the door, and people who'd been apprehensive at the prospect of an hour to pray alone found themselves surprised when time was up.

E-mail contact: mailto:joycehoare@ntlworld.com
Phone contact: Liz Akroyd 01423 863982

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