Tomorrow morning I get to play travelling evangelist at Donelson Christian Academy's chapel services. One for middle schoolers and one for high schoolers. I thought about doing my Benny Hinn routine but I'm still not sure about that one.
I have quite a few students in my youth group who go to DCA and they have been hoping that I'd be invited to speak at some point. This may be the first time a non-baptist has been invited to speak at DCA (it's kind of the rumor that I've been passed) so I can only hope that all goes well.
I'm a bit nervous, in that the students are used to weekly altar calls and getting saved and that's not really my style (at least on a weekly basis).
I asked the spiritual life director if there was anything that I should speak on, or a scripture passage that she'd like for me to focus on. She said whatever God would lay on my heart... Oh great, I guess I have to go beg God for a word now (jus joking). She did say that their theme this year is "Step Up and Step Out" which I think is awesome. So I used that as my prayer words for this week.
Here's what I came up with for tomorrow. Of course since I speak off the top of my head it won't go exactly like I've written it, but I kind of like the direction. Let me know your thoughts.
Jonathan, I think that's really great. It's interesting, concise, funny, and that last paragraph packs a great punch. I hope you enjoy your time there tomorrow.
thanks mary beth. i hope the family is all doing well in your house.
Have fun at DCA. I spent a lot of hours there in my time at Hermitage. I actually spoke at chapel there once myself, it was high school and middle combined at that time. come to think of it, i spoke to the elementary kids at their chapel once too....
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